Little is known but its like a grave
Where mourning sorrows,tears are burried
Just like the graveyard along a boulevard
Where fallen leaves have been carried
The graves are hidden,the pains forgetten
The graves go unseen,after ants feast on crosses
It’s a field of peace,freedom ,untangible enchantment
The hearts’ eyes now can see,been blind for long
The beauty still blossoms in the air warm and young
The wind still flies the leaves down the pavement
Thus graves are hidden,the pains forgetten
Tree brances clutter noisely,to pass the wind
It swirls,it whirls, its strong and unkind
Speeding, carrying the lifeless leaves that have ever fallen
Like hired servants of a tyrant leader
Their strong torrentsrakes the leaves down rolling
Soon the graveyard will be clear like the skies
Back are the tears, sorrows, memories with nostalgia
The long forgotten passion will swallow hearts alive
Alive like a snake swallowing a live deer
Or like afire that consumes a bush that thrive
Its emotions, feelings, passion that was hidden by distance
The wind is back, to give life to the burried Love
Belive poor Me
Love never dies,But only the leaves that fall and hide
©Lexx Buddy Moh
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