The sun sunk covering the town’s map
But somewhere within, deep, the sun was up
The star still twinkled with great enthusiasm
A paradoxical moment of heavenly imperialism
Heavy rains gullying the weak earth away
While a ray burnt all to the roots on its way
Trees cluttering as strong winds staged attack
Though a smiling heart rejoiced of the found track
Hump my dromedary, we match in sand dunes
Slide and fall with me in the muddy Junes
Scared, hold tight on me when thunder clutters
Let the weather be, me and you all that matters
In tatters and weary till we tie the shreds
Hairy and shaggy we’ll twist the dreads
That smile should never change with all this change
Not even I ‘cause your love is such a cage
When life’s done, will love you still
My heart never contracts like that steel
God made your heart a spree with sweet Brew
Never have I regretted being drunk ever since you I knew.
©Lexx Buddy Moh.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Earthly Queen
her every thought intoxicates
avoiding her on other hand suffocates
she will walk past and break ur rigid neck
sit next and she`ll make u timidly weak
she smells of fragrance that sent queen broke
her eyes sharper that at far they still poke
her name, a word that can turn night into day
this just mere,she`s got power in every way
i thought she could stand my word
later i saw that her gaze was ever forward
far than my words could reach her ears
though i was gazing on her white pearls
she had taken my heart n stabbed it apart
my system ever alert but since,its inert
never wish to meet she`ll make me start to wish
i let her swim past n maybe i will catch my fish.
avoiding her on other hand suffocates
she will walk past and break ur rigid neck
sit next and she`ll make u timidly weak
she smells of fragrance that sent queen broke
her eyes sharper that at far they still poke
her name, a word that can turn night into day
this just mere,she`s got power in every way
i thought she could stand my word
later i saw that her gaze was ever forward
far than my words could reach her ears
though i was gazing on her white pearls
she had taken my heart n stabbed it apart
my system ever alert but since,its inert
never wish to meet she`ll make me start to wish
i let her swim past n maybe i will catch my fish.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
For you are like bee that steals
From a flower though it still pollinates
Every day you steal from me
From my mind escaping through my heart
Confronted you don't want to part
With you we`ll hang on the same cross
Be pierced with same arrow
Be spat on our faces
just have to carry our crosses
Condone the whips and scorn,we`ll grow
They don't believe u already saved me
On that eleventh hour still lamenting
Tearing my heart apart as i cried and beseech
Crying that u wont ever think to leave
But go over this and more together
Let those that loves us cry with us
But my every tear is yours
Is your every tear Mine?
Let the storms shutter and clouds scatter
It was all to happen though i can halt
Now its that time,i leave you to see you
You are safe coz u found me on time
Your tears are dry if they are true
Your troubles with again.
From a flower though it still pollinates
Every day you steal from me
From my mind escaping through my heart
Confronted you don't want to part
With you we`ll hang on the same cross
Be pierced with same arrow
Be spat on our faces
just have to carry our crosses
Condone the whips and scorn,we`ll grow
They don't believe u already saved me
On that eleventh hour still lamenting
Tearing my heart apart as i cried and beseech
Crying that u wont ever think to leave
But go over this and more together
Let those that loves us cry with us
But my every tear is yours
Is your every tear Mine?
Let the storms shutter and clouds scatter
It was all to happen though i can halt
Now its that time,i leave you to see you
You are safe coz u found me on time
Your tears are dry if they are true
Your troubles with again.
Catch a drop of my falling tear
Do it if its true u do care
Forming every moment ur there
Not of joy but the torture i bear
Catch a drop of my oozing blood
From every vein where you flood
A prince thats hurt by its guard
Now its my heart thats on the sand
Catch a drop of my soaking pillow
Only pal who lies there below
Never bothering the sobbing hero
In the fantasies that have rendered me zero.
©Lexx Benn Moh
Do it if its true u do care
Forming every moment ur there
Not of joy but the torture i bear
Catch a drop of my oozing blood
From every vein where you flood
A prince thats hurt by its guard
Now its my heart thats on the sand
Catch a drop of my soaking pillow
Only pal who lies there below
Never bothering the sobbing hero
In the fantasies that have rendered me zero.
©Lexx Benn Moh
Mtoto kaumbwa kaumbika
Meno ya maziwa kapangika
Metulia tena merithika
nimuite nani nasiwa rika
Mwendo wa kitausi
Midomo yake nyeusi
Umbo chupa ya pespsi
Mola Kamuumba harisi
Manani nijalie mie
Hu mrembo Nijipatie
Watoto anizalie
Nyimbo nimtungie
Namtazama kilala
Nywele nyeusi bila ila
Mate hunidondoka kila
Apanuapo domo la duara.
Tamati sha timia
wino tena stazidia
Ya Malkia sha washairia
Japo kwangu hajaingia.
Meno ya maziwa kapangika
Metulia tena merithika
nimuite nani nasiwa rika
Mwendo wa kitausi
Midomo yake nyeusi
Umbo chupa ya pespsi
Mola Kamuumba harisi
Manani nijalie mie
Hu mrembo Nijipatie
Watoto anizalie
Nyimbo nimtungie
Namtazama kilala
Nywele nyeusi bila ila
Mate hunidondoka kila
Apanuapo domo la duara.
Tamati sha timia
wino tena stazidia
Ya Malkia sha washairia
Japo kwangu hajaingia.
From love to riches
Guess who loves you more
Who said could do this and more
Love that skin that looks like a thousand note
your beauty is another piece of anecdote
when with you i have my De La Rue
tell me when is your love due
wont hold these feelings back
wont let be passed by this luck
dying to lick the chocolate bars in your lips
hold u tight to me like some clips
God must have spent then He went
You`re the only beauty in the world He meant
maybe ur never meant to walk nor talk
but ive never walked till with u i took a straw
never have i talked till close to u i drew
Against u they lack only left to mock
made me nearly deny my age
want to be your senior, man every page
your walk surpasses all moves of American dancers
forgetting you may take powerful cleansers
you`re in the marrow like deadly cancers
the paths narrow but must take me home
will do whatever to live in your Rome
you guessed right cause am loving you more
Who said could do this and more
Love that skin that looks like a thousand note
your beauty is another piece of anecdote
when with you i have my De La Rue
tell me when is your love due
wont hold these feelings back
wont let be passed by this luck
dying to lick the chocolate bars in your lips
hold u tight to me like some clips
God must have spent then He went
You`re the only beauty in the world He meant
maybe ur never meant to walk nor talk
but ive never walked till with u i took a straw
never have i talked till close to u i drew
Against u they lack only left to mock
made me nearly deny my age
want to be your senior, man every page
your walk surpasses all moves of American dancers
forgetting you may take powerful cleansers
you`re in the marrow like deadly cancers
the paths narrow but must take me home
will do whatever to live in your Rome
you guessed right cause am loving you more
Saw you in the dark night
Crawled to you like a preying serpent
Ease tracing, you were the light
Make love, was my only rescue
Rolling down the valley in tight hold
Your giggles giving me the daring bold
Deep inside you, where I were
Looking into your eyes, innocent and naive
Daring follow me to unmoving shadows
In a tight hold, kisses consistent
In another world you’d be assigned a chaperon
A princess from a royal family
Your love to me would be a weird dream
Would be sailing in two different streams
Limited to our neighbours’ television
Here you’re with me, in the dark night
A single shadow of two holding tight
Mouth in mouth, eye into eye, heart in heart
This is the best part, gently lying on the ground
Looking up as if beseeching those clouds
Allow me to fill your cup with my waters
Allow my fingers follow the love contours
Trust me, free your composure
Hold me tight, let’s seek the inner pleasure
I feel your fingers throttle my heart
The hiding moon has now come out
There is a love scene, our love scene
We’ve taken love, where it has never been
From the sheets, to these shadowing bushes
Can u feel what my groin unleashes?
Forgive if it hurts, call my name my sweetness
Your neck, strangled with my tongue
God will bless, for sharing your lung
My seeds fall on your fertile yard
Lifeless I lie on your unmoving beauty
Hear that singing bird, at night a bird?
Lazily I open my heavy eyes, but…ohhh!!!
Thought was a dark night, you also outta word
T’was our love seen, where has the crowd been?
We hide our shame,hold my hand we run away
‘stone them’,the first stone hits your chest
Fury filled I jump on your revenge
From high I fall beside my bed
I hate this dream, I HATE your Dreams!.
©ALexx Benn Moh
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Little is known but its like a grave
Where mourning sorrows,tears are burried
Just like the graveyard along a boulevard
Where fallen leaves have been carried
The graves are hidden,the pains forgetten
The graves go unseen,after ants feast on crosses
It’s a field of peace,freedom ,untangible enchantment
The hearts’ eyes now can see,been blind for long
The beauty still blossoms in the air warm and young
The wind still flies the leaves down the pavement
Thus graves are hidden,the pains forgetten
Tree brances clutter noisely,to pass the wind
It swirls,it whirls, its strong and unkind
Speeding, carrying the lifeless leaves that have ever fallen
Like hired servants of a tyrant leader
Their strong torrentsrakes the leaves down rolling
Soon the graveyard will be clear like the skies
Back are the tears, sorrows, memories with nostalgia
The long forgotten passion will swallow hearts alive
Alive like a snake swallowing a live deer
Or like afire that consumes a bush that thrive
Its emotions, feelings, passion that was hidden by distance
The wind is back, to give life to the burried Love
Belive poor Me
Love never dies,But only the leaves that fall and hide
©Lexx Buddy Moh
Monday, January 10, 2011
I hang on a canopy of thoughts
Water filling my stomach, this I never sought
The thought of paternity, wets my knickers
Is she gonna keep it or spill to the snitches?
The first night found us keen to spill seed in bag
The care loosened and I had trust on her mind
She’d pill herself the morn’ after, she heightened my swag
My care flew outta window, she was a sharp kind
Her menses had missed once, her usual is eleventh
After the next miss, she had called, sounding stressed
Her body had changes, headaches for length
Now, even my small man knows we had messed
Whenever we meet, her predicament takes centre stage
No flatters, we look like freshers, though we graduating
Am torn between reading and skipping this page
While I am, she doesn’t seem worried of the idea of parenting
A dad at twenty four, no job for the flour
All she says can do is braid, she does it for hours
Didn’t want my kid ashamed of my status
Neither my wife begging from her sisters
©Alex Buddy Moh
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Death of a Pauper
Noise from automobiles fills the street
Busy men, women pace their feet
Speed on pavement call it pedestrian traffic
Yet down in lags a son of a man is terror
shaking his dirty bowl pleading for alms
To half-blind pedestrians working in firms
Cant move, talk but only gesticulate
If he offers grants, his fame would circulate
But only awaits humans with humanity
Some one who'll roll out a note not as waste but outta pity
Pity, the world has run out of the virtue
Here a pauper in the streets is a statue
Knows hunger, frustration and looks of disdain
A sad song of hate,his daily refrain
But a deadly tumour was bound to his weak frame
With it all the minute clumps of energy it claims
Soon he would bye the street he knew like a coin
With his grievances to land of joy will join
Tuesdays as the sun stood overhead,to cancer he had succumbed
Leaning on Tuskey's wall, all oblivious that a life has gone
Passers-by past the corpse as usual feigning inrecognition
Wednesday,one fly inviting another to a feast on sour spittle
Thursday, a stench seizes the street,now recognition not alittle
News to The council albeit late,they perform a burial of condescension.
By alex Buddy Moh
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Beauty Graduate
She’s petals of my rose
The beauty to which my heart pose
Her eyes win battles never fought
Her body gives thoughts never thought
With you, I’ll use words never taught
Her height like a wine glass
She walks past, your heart must make plus
I die whenever she comes my way
Only to pass letting her go away
She dresses to kill, she’s a nasty pill
Her body moves, my eyes moves in synchronization
For all the time she’s got on earth, just a portion
See her blink, give my wink, though weak
Hear her talk, see those lips move as she speak
She aint no man’s girl ,all know
Neither is she one innocent Lady Mariah for you
Her beauty is hard-earned like her any other success
She’s sleeps last,she adorns her Boss Tess
The rich never die like me,they get whenever
May never realize me,my eyes on her nothing but fever
She just passed past,the BMW doesn’t make me feel good.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Eve In My Garden
Oh my flawless beloved
The girl my heart longs to wed
With those grape eyes
That synchronized my heart to brew
Was said too much is poison
Yet too much of your love's like a lotion
That greases tendering my rigid heart
I call you to be my timid part
Now my stainless dear lover
You who she her sins at Grace Equippers
Swore never to follow the earthly vapors
But be strong in the holy cover
Its you i admire with a hearty song
Made of love that pounds like gong
How can i please you , this lovely one?
That in you i made this wonderful turn
How you're clueless woman of my age
I've swallowed my pride tearing my previous page
I'll go on my knees to untie strings of your saddles
Wash your feet with the wax of my candles
Long for that night we kissed in the dark
Get to my heart where nothing will lack
Together we leave their world,create our own
My Eve never in this Eden will be alone.
The girl my heart longs to wed
With those grape eyes
That synchronized my heart to brew
Was said too much is poison
Yet too much of your love's like a lotion
That greases tendering my rigid heart
I call you to be my timid part
Now my stainless dear lover
You who she her sins at Grace Equippers
Swore never to follow the earthly vapors
But be strong in the holy cover
Its you i admire with a hearty song
Made of love that pounds like gong
How can i please you , this lovely one?
That in you i made this wonderful turn
How you're clueless woman of my age
I've swallowed my pride tearing my previous page
I'll go on my knees to untie strings of your saddles
Wash your feet with the wax of my candles
Long for that night we kissed in the dark
Get to my heart where nothing will lack
Together we leave their world,create our own
My Eve never in this Eden will be alone.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Uncle Sams` hit slowed on the decks
putting down that last word in my text
wasnt thinking, just there acting
a fool she had called was graduating
i felt a tear form in realms of my eyes
shouldnt have told those silly lies
the sun went on sinking
my mind went on accusing
Back in a rainy life once again
cant go back and start over again
tears, blame, a refrain of each day
talk sense, maturity sencerly will pay
take ego, n she will walk away
be left an ozone thats already leakin
Consequence of suicide bombing
Left to tread a life thats all but boring
Down collecting the pieces that scatter
down stream the tears clearer than sky water
no sweet text to ever chat her,even flatter
all the love wishes, experiences swim down gutter
cant get back to my two, coz its heavy for my legs too
might be same turmoil or worse in her
forgive, love, its a toy that hits to hurt
its start also marks a start to tears
will try to be a better man someday
look forward making some lady happy maybe
promise dropping the ego that already cost a life
cause i talk in tears posthumously
lying in a cemetery where love haunts the homely
lay your rose and i will salute your goodness
leave me to scorn and love will hurt your lovelyness
aint no psychic but i know your judgement
that i deserve this inhuman punishment.
putting down that last word in my text
wasnt thinking, just there acting
a fool she had called was graduating
i felt a tear form in realms of my eyes
shouldnt have told those silly lies
the sun went on sinking
my mind went on accusing
Back in a rainy life once again
cant go back and start over again
tears, blame, a refrain of each day
talk sense, maturity sencerly will pay
take ego, n she will walk away
be left an ozone thats already leakin
Consequence of suicide bombing
Left to tread a life thats all but boring
Down collecting the pieces that scatter
down stream the tears clearer than sky water
no sweet text to ever chat her,even flatter
all the love wishes, experiences swim down gutter
cant get back to my two, coz its heavy for my legs too
might be same turmoil or worse in her
forgive, love, its a toy that hits to hurt
its start also marks a start to tears
will try to be a better man someday
look forward making some lady happy maybe
promise dropping the ego that already cost a life
cause i talk in tears posthumously
lying in a cemetery where love haunts the homely
lay your rose and i will salute your goodness
leave me to scorn and love will hurt your lovelyness
aint no psychic but i know your judgement
that i deserve this inhuman punishment.
The Ransom
Love cuts n deep cuts
When two heart it ties parts
Some wounds heals,but scars lasts
No other sad moment this the worst
Love smoothens,tendering a heart
Love rushes the blood,to worries the heart's inert
Love strengthens the mind,Mind blossoms in art
Love's engine,when in throttle so is every part
I feel it no matter the season
I Just dont knw,y u wanna know the reason
Imma keep it between us,sayin its treason
Am captured n more love is the ransom
Happy New Year
I swear the sun was sweet
Also the water running past my feet
The sky got clear sometime also i did like
Though the rain got me,no reason to dislike
I traveled,accidents,incidents never begot me
I ate,drunk,spent and the supply never ran out
I loved,got loved and sure it added value to me
I got hurt but That strong hand to me u brought
Now i can see a new star that shines on high
I fasten my races, my suit matches my tie
Its a new dawn,anticipating the best here
I thank You God For This New Year.
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